This match is perfect for beginning competitors, youth, and people who don’t want to “move & shoot.” (There MIGHT be one stage where moving is required, but it’s generally only moving 6 feet.) No special equipment needed – just a proper holster for your pistol and a minimum of 2 magazines (speed-loaders for revolvers) – 5 preferred to make the match run smoother.
Alternate months on the 1st Sunday.
Stages: 4-5
Sign in time: 8:00 AM
Shooter briefing: 8:45 AM
Match start time: 9:00 AM
Round count: 200+ (5 targets per string, 5 strings per stage – minimum 25 rounds per stage…more if you miss)
Match Fee: $15 1st division, $5 2nd division
Divisions: Carry Optics, Iron Sight Revolver, Limited, Open, Optical Sight Revolver, PCC Iron, PCC Optics, Production, Rimfire Pistol Iron, Rimfire Pistol Open, Rimfire Rifle Iron, Rimfire Rifle Open, Single Stack
Special Categories: Pre-teen (12 & under), Junior (13-17), Senior (55-64), Super Senior (65+), Military, Law Enforcement, Lady
Spectators are welcome. ALL spectators (including children) are required to check-in at the office, complete liability waivers, and wear hearing and eye protection. Spectators MUST be at least 5 years old.
Online registration closes at 9 PM, the day prior to the event. Walk-in registration will be the morning of the event on a space-available basis. Registration will open the first day of the month the match is in. Check back!
All firearms MUST be UNLOADED in a case (hard or soft) or holster. Long guns/PCC must have a chamber flag. Firearms shall not be handled until under the supervision of the competition range officer or in safety area.
Registration for all matches is via PractiScore.
Please contact Sherra at the range if you are interested in volunteering to help with this competition.